【5/21締切】SDGs・人権に関するリサーチ・フェローシップ募集(PEOPLES 20 plus / APSD)

THINK Lobby副所長の堀内葵が共同運営者を務めるPEOPLES 20 plusおよび「持続可能な開発に向けたアジア市民社会パートナーシップ(Asia Civil Society Partnership for Sustainable Development / APSD)」が、SDGsおよび人権に関するリサーチ・フェローシップを募集しています。ご関心のある方は下記要項をご参照の上、お申し込みください。
Welcome to the Virtual Research Fellowship on SDGs and Human Rights 2024
Organized by PEOPLES 20 plus and APSD
- Orientation (online): 6 PM BKK Time (GMT+7) 26 May (Sunday) 2024
- Duration: Minimum 6 Months + (June to November 2024 and plus)
- Working language: English
- Tasks
- Mapping about the SDGs implementation at local, national and international level
- Comparative research about the Voluntary National Review (VNR) and other SDGs monitoring reports
- Monitoring and research about the UN Meetings and Global Summits (G20, G7, BRICS, etc.) in terms of SDGs and Human Rights,
- Comparative Research about the linkage between SDGs and human rights – Voluntary National Review (VNR) and Universal Periodic Review (UPR)
- Data infographic for public education and training
- Briefing paper or policy brief on topics related to SDGs and human rights
- SNS promotion
Please note that
- The virtual fellowship is voluntary in a pro bono basis, roughly for 3-6 hours per week depending on the schedule and availability of a fellow.
- A Certificate of Accomplishment will be issued at the end of the successful fellowship.
- The Outcome of the mapping and research will be used for advocacy and training programs.
- There will be regular online meetings (about twice a month) to discuss the tasks and review the outcome of mapping and research.
- There will be in-person meetings back-to-back with the international meetings or in Korea among fellows.
- Concrete tasks will be given to individuals or small groups depending on the expertise and availablity of the selected fellows after the orientation session on 24 May 2024.
Apply: https://bit.ly/Virtual-Research-Fellowship
Deadline: Tuesday, 21 May 2024
Anselmo LEE, Regional Coordinator, APSD and Co-convener of PEOPLES 20 plus
Asia@APSD2030.org +82-10-4293-0707
PEOPLES 20 plus Peoples20G20summit@gmail.com
Asia Civil Society Partnership for Sustainable Development/SDGs (APSD)