
JANICが加盟するアジア開発連盟(Asia Development Alliance / ADA)は、9月11日にzoomを通じてアジア地域ピープルズ・アッセンブリー2024(Asia Regional Peoples’ Assembly 2024)を共催します。ぜひご参加ください。
世界は飢餓、貧困の増大、気候変動による深刻な影響を受けています。格差は拡大し、債務危機は中低所得国に大きな影響を及ぼし、中低所得国は債務返済と債務返済に膨大な資金を費やし、教育、保健、その他の社会保護分野への支出 を削減せざるを得なくなっています。
このような状況の中、GCAP(Global call to Action Against Poverty:貧困に反対する世界的な呼びかけ)によって調整された広範な市民社会は、開発のプロセスから取り残された最も周縁化された人々に関する問題を議論するため、国、地域、そして世界レベルで「人々の集会(ピープルズ・アッセンブリー)」を組織する予定です。食料危機、医療や社会保障への不十分なアクセス、市民の自由、気候変動の影響などの問題が話し合われます。これは、9月23日〜24日にニューヨークで開催される「未来サミット」における私たちの重要な提言となります。
- 1 運営パートナー:
- 2 Programme Schedule
- 2.1 Welcome and Introduction (2 min): Pradeep Baisakh, Asia Coordinator, GCAP
- 2.2 Session 1 (30 minutes): Voices on social protection and civil liberties
- 2.3 Session 2 (35 min): Members of Parliament and UN representatives responding to people’s issues and concerns
- 2.4 Session 3 (35 min): Voices of the CSO leaders
- 2.5 Session 4 (15 minutes): Discussion on the People’s Declaration
- Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) (Coordination)
- Asia Dalit Rights Forum (ADRF)
- Global Forum on Communities Discriminated by Work and Descent (GFoD)
- Asia Civil Society Partnership for Sustainable Development (APSD)
- Asia Democracy Network (ADN)
- Asia Development Alliance (ADA)
- People’s Vaccine Alliance (PVA), Asia Chapter
- OXFAM-Asia
- South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE)
- ActionAid International – Asia Region
- Aide Et Action – International
- Wada Na Todo Abhiyan
- NGO Federation of Nepal
- Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement (PRRM)
- Noakhali Rural Development Society, Bangladesh
- Sri Lanka United Nations Friendship Organisation (SUNFO)
- Sanayee Development Organisation, Afghanistan
- Pakistan Development Alliance (PDA)
- ONE Singapore
- Africa Japan Forum
- Coordination Committee of Cambodia (CCC)
- Asia Pacific Council of AIDS Service Organisation (APCASO)
Programme Schedule
Welcome and Introduction (2 min): Pradeep Baisakh, Asia Coordinator, GCAP
Key question: The issues and challenges the communities are facing relating to poverty, hunger, access to health and welfare schemes, exclusion, human rights etc and what are the key demands
Moderation: Beena Johnson, Chairperson, Asia Dalit Rights Forum (ADRF)
Keynote speaker: Dr. Devinder Sharma, Food and Trade Policy Analyst on “The Great Indian Divide: Opulence and Starvation” (10 minutes)
Community voice 1: Exclusion from the Social Protection in Pakistan (3 min)
Community voice 2: Voice of a Human Rights Defender from Myanmar (3 min)
Community voice 3: Exclusion and discrimination of the Dalit community (3 min)
Community voice 4: Youth from Bangladesh (3 min)
Session 2 (35 min): Members of Parliament and UN representatives responding to people’s issues and concerns
Moderation: Maneesh Pradhan, ActionAid International – Asia
- Preet Kaur Gill, Member of Parliament, UK (Or her video message) (5 min) (tbc)
- MP from Pakistan (7 min) (tbc)
- Dr Rojnath Pandey, Secretary of Parliamentary Committee of Nepal (7 min)
- Hitomi Rankine, Environmental Affairs Officer, UNESCAP (7 min)
Session 3 (35 min): Voices of the CSO leaders
Key question: Sharing on issues of economic justice, institutional reforms and democracy and human rights
Moderation: Beckie Malay, PRRM
- Poverty and Vulnerability in South Asia: Arjun Karki, SAAPE (5 min)
- Reform of the WB and IMF: Mae Buenaventura, APMDD (5 min)
- State of democracy in Asia: Ichal Supriadi, ADN (5 min)
- Rising Inequality in Asia: Farooq Tariq, Fight Inequality Alliance (5 min)
- Can implementation of the SDGs be expedited: Speaker, ADA (5 min)
- Proposed global campaign on Economic Justice: Arjun Bhattarai, NFN/GCAP (5 min)
Session 4 (15 minutes): Discussion on the People’s Declaration
Moderation: Anselmo Lee, APSD Coordinator
Draft presentation by Maryam Khan followed by discussion
Thank giving: Jyoti Prakash, Aide Et Action