KCOC delegations visit to JANIC office

JANIC welcomed Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation (KCOC) Humanitarian Affairs Department team and a representative of KOICA to our office on 28 August 2024. We discussed topics such as general policy advocacy to the government, humanitarian responses, localization of aid, etc. We also exchanged ideas how to strengthen caivil society activities through our memberships and networks.
KCOC and JANIC have a long history of collaboration dating back to early 2010s for the 4th High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness held in Busan, and 12th Seoul ODA International Conference in 2018, as well as several High-Level Political Forum on SDGs and the UN General Assembly, and through regional and global networks such as ADA (Asia Development Alliance), CPDE (CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness) and Forus.
We wish KCOC a fruitful visit to Japanese agencies and civil society during their stay in Japan!

Aoi Horiuchi
Aoi Horiuchi
Deputy Director, THINK Lobby