
THINK Lobby - a citizen₋driven think tank

THINK Lobby is a think tank.
Not a "tank" to store knowledge,
but a "lobby" where people can come and communicate.
The future of civil society cannot be envisioned,
unless we all think about it together.
THINK Lobby is a civil society think tank open to all.
NGO staff. Business people. Citizens in general.
Everyone can come freely,
Anyone can communicate openly,
no matter who you are.
It leads us to new discoveries.
It leads us to new movements.
Let's think together.
A new civil society. A new happiness.

THINK Lobby - a citizen₋driven think tank

THINK Lobby is an advocacy and research division of the Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC).


Realizing a peaceful, just and sustainable world


Expand the civic space in which citizens can act freely and help them make society a better place.


(i) Promote democratic governance and expand civic space
(ii) Promote business practices that foster peace, justice and respect for human rights


(1) Research

Themes: ODA policy, democracy, human rights, corporate social justice, etc.

(2) Advocacy

To: Japanese government (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, JICA), UN, G7, G20, etc.

(3) Communication

Through: Website, Social Media, research publication "THINK Lobby Journal," seminars and events, business consulting on corporate human rights due diligence, etc.

(4) Networking

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, JICA, Business and Human Rights Civil Society Platform (BHRC), Japan Civil Society Network on SDGs, Civil Society Space NGO Action Network (NANCiS), ADA (Asian Development Alliance), Forus, CIVICUS, Asian Partnership for Civil Society for Sustainable Development (APSD), G7 Civil Society Coalition 2023, etc.



Deputy Director

Asako HAGA



Advocacy Coordinator