THINK Lobbyライブラリー
Photo by Louise Phiri / Oxfam
*本記事は、DAC-CSO Reference Groupのウェブサイトに2024年4月29日に掲載された声明の日本語訳です。こちらの解説記事も併せてご参照ください。
勧告に盛り込まれた重要な目標の中には、「パートナー国・地域と提供国の両方 における」市民社会と協働するための政策や戦略の確立において、市民社会との全面的・包括的なコンサルテーションが中心的な役割を果たす、というものがある[第二の柱、§1]。3月15日、17の戦略的パートナー組織(SPOs)は、事前協議なしに、12月31日までにすべてのスウェーデン国際開発協力庁(以下、Sida)との契約を終了するという突然の通告を受けた。
この勧告のすべての賛同者は、「パートナー諸国における地元市民社会のリー ダーシップを促進し、投資しなければならない」[第二の柱、§4]。市民社会にとって複雑な現実の中で、まだ多くの仕事が残されていることを認識しつつ、グローバス・サウス、グローバル・ノースのCSOは、南の市民社会のリーダーシップを強化する行動に積極的に関与し、公平かつ補完的なCSOパートナーシップの中でパワー・シフトに努め、南のCSOのための直接提供資金への実質的かつ有意義なアクセスを支援してきた。これらは複雑なプロセスであり、北と南の市民社会、そして援助アクターの条件のそれぞれにおいて、変化へのより強いコミットメントを必要とするものである。
- 11.11.11, Belgium
- A 11 – Initiative for Economic and Social Rights, Serbia
- ABF BUSOVAČA, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Accountable Now, Global Network
- ACODEV, Belgium
- APCOB, Bolivia
- ACT Alliance, Global Network
- ACTing Together Program, Guatemala
- Action, Gouvernance, Intégration,Renforcement, Groupe de travail en Santé et Développement en abrégé (AGIR/SD), Burkina Faso
- Adad Malore, Albania
- ADEL Morazán, El Salvador
- ADIC, Sri Lanka
- Advocates for Social Change Kenya, Kenya
- African Institute of Corporate Citizenship, Malawi
- Afrikagrupperna, Sweden
- AGIMS, Guatemala
- Agora Centre, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- AidWatch Canada
- AKÜ, Estonia
- All Africa Conference of Churches, Regional
- Alianza Politica Sector de Mujeres, APSM, Guatemala
- Alliance Sud, Switzerland
- Ambrela – Platform for Development Organisations, Slovakia
- AMSATI, El Salvador
- Applied Research Institute ARIJ, West Bank
- Artikel2, Sweden
- Associação Civil Alternativa Terrazul, Brasil
- Associação Civil Escola Sem Muros Grupo Eco – Favela Santa Marta – Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
- Asociación de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Rural de Occidente, CDRO, Guatemala
- Asociación para el Desarrollo Integral de las Víctimas de la Violencia en las Verapaces Maya Achi (ADIVIMA), Guatemala
- Asociación Coordinadora de Comunidades Afectadas por la Construccción de la Hidroeléctrica Chixoy (COCAHICH), Guatemala
- Asociación de Culturas Originarias Suma Kawsay – Peru
- Asociación de Investigación y Especialización sobre Temas Iberoamericanos (AIETI), Spain
- Asociación de Mujeres Ixqanil, Guatemala
- Asociación por la Paz y los Derechos Humanos Taula per Mèxic, Spain
- Association Tin Tua du Burkina Faso, Burkina Faso
- Association des Blogueurs du Burkina, Burkina Faso
- Association Monde Rural (AMR), Burkina Faso
- Association Nationale d Action pour Développement Intégral (ANADI), Senegal
- Association “Nova generacija,” Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Australian Council for International Development, Australia
- Bahay Tuluyan Foundation, Philippines
- Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST), Bangladesh
- Bangladesh Resource Centre for Indigenous Knowledge (BARCIK), Bangladesh
- Belarusian National Youth Council (RADA), Belarus
- Bench Marks Foundation, South Africa
- Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST), Bangladesh
- Bond, CSO Platform, United Kingdom
- Broederlijk Delen, Belgium
- Brot für die Welt, Germany
- Building Community Voice (BCV), Cambodia
- Cambodian Center for Human Right (CCHR), Cambodia
- Cambodian Journalists Alliance Association (Cambo-JA), Cambodia
- Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO), Cambodia
- Censat Agua Viva (Friends of Earth), Colombia
- Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights (CENTRAL), Cambodia
- Center for Civic Cooperation, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Center for Democratic Governance (CDG), Burkina Faso
- Center for Youth Advocacy and Networking (CYAN Pilipinas Inc), Philippines
- Center for youth education, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche Appliquée en Finances Publiques (CERA/FP), Burkina Faso
- Centre Delwende de Sakoula, Burkina Faso
- Centre for Environmental Justice, Sri Lanka
- Centre for Improved Rural Health and Environmental Protection (CIRHEP), India
- Center for Migrant Advocacy, Philippines
- Centre Internacional Escarré per les Minories Ètniques i les Nacions (CIEMEN), Catalonia
- Centre for Research and Advocacy, Manipur, India
- Center for Support Organisations, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Centre for Youth Work, Serbia
- Centro de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos, Brasil
- Centro de Desarrollo Agropecuario (CEDAP), Peru
- Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Regional (CEDER), Perú
- Centro de Tecnologias Alternativas Populares – CETAP, Passo Fundo Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil
- Centro Ecológico, Brazil
- Centro de Estudios e Investigación sobre Mujeres (CEIM), Spain
- CEHPRODEC, Honduras
- Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG), Uganda
- Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (CSPPS), Netherlands
- Civil Society Reference Group, Kenya
- Christian Aid, United Kingdom
- Clean Clothes Campaign International Office, Netherlands
- Clowns without Borders Sweden, Sweden
- CNCD-11.11.11, Belgium
- Colors Rainbow, Myanmar
- Commerce and Services Trade Union, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia (COMFREL), Cambodia
- Commission épiscopale Justice et Paix du Burkina Faso (CJP-Burkina), Burkina Faso
- Community Development Support Services (CDSS), South Sudan
- Comunidad de Juristas Akubadaura, Colombia
- CONCORD, European CSO Platform
- CONCORD Sweden
- CONFRAS, El Salvador
- Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia, Serbia
- Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Vojvodina, Serbia
- Conseil national des organisation de la société civile du Burkina Faso (CNOSC/BF), Burkina Faso
- Convention des Organisations de la société civile pour l’Observation Domestique des Élections (CODEL), Burkina Faso
- Coop. Comunidad del Sur, Montevideo-Uruguay
- Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC), Cambodia
- Cooperation Canada, CSO Platform, Canada
- Coordinadora Galega de ONG para o Desenvolvemento, Spain
- Coordinadora de ONGD de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
- Coordinadora de ONGD-España, Spain
- Coordinadora Valenciana de ONGD, Spain
- COPINH, Honduras
- Cordaid, Netherlands
- Corporación para el Desarrollo Regional, Colombia
- Corporación Serraniagua, Organización Campesina Ambiental Comunitaria, El Cairo – Colombia
- Council for People’s Development and Governance (CPDG), Philippines
- Council of Churches, Zambia
- Conseil National de la Jeunesse du Burkina Faso (CNJ-BF), Burkina Faso
- Croatian Platform for International Citizen Solidarity (CROSOL), Croatia
- Czech Forum for Development Cooperation (FoRS), Czechia
- Nagorik Uddyog (NU), Bangladesh
- David Ntseng Director at Church Land Programme, South Africa
- DCA, Denmark
- Democratic Dialogue Network, Serbia
- Diakonia, Sweden
- Dóchas, Ireland
- East Cape Agricultural Research Project, South Africa
- Ecobarrial, Centro de Ecología Social, Chile
- ECLOF International, Switzerland
- Economic and Social Development Center ESDC, West Bank and Gaza Strip
- ECPAT, Philippines
- EducommuniK, Burkina Faso
- Entrepueblos/Entrepobles/Entrepobos/Herriarte, Spain
- Emthonjeni Women’s Forum, Zimbabwe
- Equality Myanmar, Myanmar
- Equitable Cambodia (EC), Cambodia
- ERA-LGBTI Equal Rights Association, Serbia
- ERIKS Development Partner, Sweden
- Espacio de Cooperación para la Paz, Colombia
- EU-LAT Advocacy Network, regional network Europe
- Eurodad, Regional Network
- Fairtrade Sverige, Sweden
- Farmers Union of Malawi, Malawi
- Fasocheck Association, Burkina Faso
- FECCEG, Guatemala
- FEDECARIBE, Colombia
- Federación de Centros Awá del Ecuador, Ecuador
- Felm, Finland
- FESPAD, El Salvador
- FIAN Zambia
- Fundación San Alonso Rodríguez, FSAR, Honduras
- FUNDASAL, El Salvador
- Finn Church Aid, Finland
- Finnish Development NGOs (Fingo), CSO Platform, Finland
- Fishworkers’ Solidarity, Philippines
- Friends of the Earth International, International Organization
- ForumCiv, Sweden
- Forum MNE, Montenegro
- Forum of Cotton Producers, FONPA, Mozambique
- Framtidsjorden, Sweden
- Fundación ALTROPICO, Ecuador
- Fundação CEPEMA, Brazil
- Fundación de Culturas Indígenas Kawsay-Ecuador
- Fundación InteRed, Spain
- Fundación Myrna Mack, Guatemala
- Fundación para el Desarrollo y Fortalecimiento de las Organizaciones de Base (FUNDEBASE), Guatemala
- Fundación Pereyra, Argentina
- Gender and Development for Cambodia (GADC), Cambodia
- Global Citizen, International Organization
- Global Idé, Sweden
- Global Interfaith Network For People of All Sexes, Sexual Orientations, Gender Identities and Expressions, South Africa
- Grameena Mahila Okkuta, India
- groundWork, Friends of the Earth, South Africa
- HEKS/EPER Swiss Church Aid, Switzerland
- IBON Foundation, Philippines
- IBON International, International NGO
- ICADE, Honduras
- Iglesia Filipina Independiente, Philippines
- Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Humanos, regional Latin America
- Institute for National and Democracy Studies (INDIES), Indonesia
- Institute of Permaculture of Mozambique, IPERMO, Mozambique
- Institute of Politics and Governance (IPG), Philippines
- Instituto de Comunicación y Desarrollo (ICD), Uruguay
- Instituto de Ecología Política, Chile
- International Action for Peace (IAP), Spain
- International Labour, Research and Information Group, South Africa
- International Network Of Religious Leaders Living With or Personally Affected by HIV and AIDS (INERELA+), South Africa
- International Office for Human Rights Action on Colombia, OIDHACO, European regional network
- International Platform against Impunity, Guatemala
- Inter Pares, Canada
- IOGT-NTO Movement, Sweden
- IPDRS, Bolivia
- JA!FOE, Moçambique
- JANIC, Japan
- Jordens Vänner / Friends of the Earth Sweden, Sweden
- Justapaz, Colombia
- Justiça Ambiental, JA, Mozambique
- KAMP, Kosovo
- Kareem Baptist Convention- Social Mission (KBC- SM), Myanmar
- Kawsay Bolivia
- KCOC Policy Center, Korea
- Keystone Foundation, India
- Khanya College Johannesburg Trust, South Africa
- Klahaan, Cambodia
- Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation, Sweden
- La Coordinadora de ONGD-España
- La Plataforma DESCA, Colombia
- La Via Campesina Southern and Eastern Africa (LVC SEAf), Regional Organization
- Law & Society Trust (LST), Sri Lanka
- Lawyers Collective José Alvear Restrepo (CAJAR), Colombia
- Labor Education and Research Network (LEARN), Philippines
- Labour Resource and Research Institute (LaRRI), Namibia
- Ladakh Ecological Development Group, India
- Lafede.cat organitzacions per la Justícia Global, Catalonia
- Land Research Center (LRC), West Bank
- LatFem, Regional Latin America
- Legal Assistance Centre, Namibia
- Leornard Cheshire Disability, Zimbabwe
- Le secrétariat permanent des organisations Non Gouvernementales du Burkina Faso, Burkina Faso
- Listeners without Borders, Sweden
- Livaningo, Mozambique
- Lliga dels Drets dels Pobles, Catalunya, Spain
- Lutheran World Federation, Switzerland
- Lutheran World Federation / World Service – Central America Programme
- Lutheran World Service India Trust, India
- Malawi Union of Savings and Credit Cooperation (MUSCCO), Malawi
- Milieudefensie / Friends of the Earth, Netherlands
- Movimiento Agroecológico de América Latina, MAELA, regional Latin America
- Mujeres Workers Progressive Alliance, Philippines
- Murang’a Avocado Farmers Cooperative Union Ltd, Kenya
- Muslim Women’s Research and Action Forum, Sri Lanka
- MyRight, Sweden
- National Association of Youth Organizations (NAYO), Zimbabwe
- National Commission for Human Rights Chile-Sweden, Sweden
- National Confederation of Transport Workers Union (NCTU), Philippines
- National Council of Churches, Philippines
- National council of Swedish children and youth organizations (LSU), Sweden
- National Confederation of Transportworkers Union (NCTU), Philippines
- National Farmers’ Federation NFF, North Macedonia
- NGO Forum on Cambodia, Cambodia
- ngo-federatie, the Flemish federation of development CSOs, Belgium
- Nicaraguan Network of Community Trade (RENICC), Nicaragua
- NIRMAN, India
- NOAH Friends of the Earth, Denmark
- Norwegian Church Aid (NCA), Norway
- Olof Palmes Internationella Center, Sweden
- Operation 1325, Sweden
- Organic Producers & Processors Association of Zambia, Zambia
- Organization for Nonviolence and Development (ONAD), South Sudan
- Organization for Women’s Development in Bangladesh, Bangladesh
- Organisation pour le Renforcement des Capacités de Développement, Burkina Faso
- Oxfam, International CSO
- Palestinian Agricultural Cooperative Union (PACU), West Bank
- Palestinian Working Women Society for Development (PWWSD), West Bank
- Palhaços Sem Fronteiras, Brasil
- People’s Action for Free and Fair Elections, Sri Lanka
- People’s Process on Housing and Poverty in Zambia (PPHPZ), Zambia
- PIANGO, Pacific Region
- Plan International, International CSO
- Plataforma Colombiana de Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Desarrollo (PCDHDD), Colombia
- PMU, Sweden
- Portuguese NGDO Platform, Portugal
- Positive Vibes, Namibia
- Praktisk Solidaritet, Sweden
- Promotion of Family Health Association, Laos
- Pro Public, Nepal
- Reality of Aid Africa Network, Regional Network
- Reality of Aid – Asia Pacific, Regional Network
- Red de ONGD de Madrid, Spain
- Red Jesuita Con Migrantes de Centroamérica (RJM CA), Regional Network
- Redes AT, Uruguay
- Red de Trabajadoras Domésticas, Honduras
- Rendir Cuentas, Latín America and the Caribbean, Regional Network
- RFSL, Sweden
- Ruta Pacífica de las Mujeres, Colombia
- Safety and Rights Society (SRS), Bangladesh
- Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT), Cambodia
- Save a Life, Sri Lanka
- Save the Children, International CSO
- Schumacher Centre, India
- Self Help Development Foundation, Zimbabwe
- SIMCARRD, Philippines
- SLOGA, Platform of Slovenian NGOs, Slovenia
- Small Producers Development and Transporters Association (SPRODETA), Malawi
- SOBREVIVENCIA, Amigos de la Tierra, Paraguay
- Social Association for Rural Advancement (SARA), Bangladesh
- Social Policy Initiative (SPI), South Africa
- SOLIDAR, European CSO Network
- Srushtidnyan, India
- Students’ Educational and Cultural Movement of Ladakh, India
- Suriya Women’s Development Centre, Sri Lanka
- Svalorna Latinamerika, Sweden
- Swallows India Bangladesh, Sweden
- Swedish Association for Sexuality Education (RFSU), Sweden
- Swedish Committee for Afghanistan, Sweden
- Swedish Development Forum (FUF), Sweden
- Swedish Fellowship of Reconciliation, Sweden
- Swedish Foundation for Human Rights, Sweden
- Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, Sweden
- Synergie des Femmes de la Société Civile (SYFES), DRC
- Training Education Development Extension Trust, India
- Tzuk Kim-pop, Guatemala
- Udayankur Seba Sangstha (USS), Bangladesh
- Uganda Cooperative Savings and Credit Union (UCSCU), Uganda
- Une Gruaja, Albania
- Union for Development and Integration of Roma Minority in Albania “Amaro-Drom”, Albania
- Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), West Bank and Gaza Strip
- Unite Theatre for Social Action (UTSA), Bangladesh
- Vikas Adhyayan Kendra, India
- Vive Vene, Bosnia Herzegovina
- Warande Advisory Centre, Kenya
- Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), Regional Organization
- We Effect, Sweden
- Wemos, The Netherlands
- Women’s Academy For Leadership and Political Excellence (WALPE), Zimbabwe
- Women’s Education and Research Centre (WERC), Sri Lanka
- Women Empowerment – Action (WE-Action), Ethiopia
- Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Zimbabwe
- Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, DR Congo
- Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Colombia
- Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Cameroon
- Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Sweden
- Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (International Secretariat), Geneva
- Women’s Legal Resource Centre, Malawi
- WoMIN African Alliance, Sweden
- World Concern Myanmar, Myanmar
- World Council of Churches, Switzerland
- Youth Empowerment and Transformation Trust, Zimbabwe
- YMCA, Ghana
- YMCA, Madagascar
- YWCA, Palestine
- YMCA, Senegal
- YWCA-YMCA, Sweden
- YMCA, Togo
- Zambia Alliance of Women (ZAW), Zambia
- Zambia Climate Change Network (ZCCN), Zambia
- Zambia Homeless and Poor People’s Federation, Zambia
- Zambia National Women’s Lobby, Zambia
- Zambia Youth Federation, Zambia