【10/12】Webinar#1: Defending Democracy and Civic Space in Asia (DDCSA) 1st Webinar “Climate Calamity: Access to Justice for Loss and Damage”

Defending Democracy and Civic Space in Asia (DDCSA)
1st Webinar “Climate Calamity: Access to Justice for Loss and Damage”
JANIC/THINK Lobby has coorporated with six organizations in Asia on a project called Defending Democracy and Civic Space in Asia (DDCSA).
This project involves joint research to promote better democratic governance and the expansion of civil society space in Asia.
As part of this project, we are hosting a series of webinars starting in October.
The first will feature Gopal Krishna Siwakoti, President of Nepal-based INHURED International, who will present his research findings on access to justice for “loss and damage” caused by the climate crisis.
This webinar will be conducted in English.
October 12, Thursday 12:00-13:00 (BKK time)
-Gopal Krishna Siwakoti, President, INHURED International
-Aoi Horiuchi, Senior Advocacy Officer, Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (moderator)
Timelines (BKK time):
12:00-12:10 Setting the stage, introduction of the theme by Aoi Horiuchi
12:05-12:40 Mid-term presentation on the research topic (Climate Calamity: Access to Justice for Loss and Damage) by Gopal K. Siwakoti
12:40-12:55 Q&A
12:55-13:00 Wrap up
Registration by 10 October:
Climate change brought on by humans has already caused the globe to warm by 1.1 degrees Celsius. The effects of rising temperatures, rising seas, more intense storms, and erratic rainfall are being felt in real life by millions of people. Making significant expenditures to protect communities from catastrophic impacts that will only get worse is also crucial in order to limit temperature rise and ensure a safer future for all of us. To combat the speed and scale of climate impacts, however, collaborative efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt are now insufficient, thus certain losses and damages from climate change are unavoidable. A crucial topic at UN climate discussions and beyond has been how nations handle these losses and damages. Extreme droughts, a lack of water, terrible fires, rising sea levels, flooding, melting polar ice, catastrophic storms and declining biodiversity have demonstrated the consequences of climate change. A rise in ‘climate refugees’ is expected to be seen in the future resulting in more loss and damage.
One of the primary issues with climate change is the disparity in countries/communities/individuals who significantly contribute to climate change and those who bear the most burden. ‘Climate Justice’ is a social justice movement which recognizes that the adverse effects of climate change are not felt equitably around the world. Communities are particularly vulnerable to suffering loss and harm when climate change impacts exceed their capacity for adaptation, whether as a result of a lack of funding for adaptation or the absence of practical strategies.
The climate justice movement must collaborate with other movements addressing race, gender, class, and other issues.
This webinar will be held in English language only.
-To assess loss and damages associated with the adverse effects of climate change on over all socio-economic rights, ecosystem, disaster displacement and protection of vulnerable people with a view to sensitize stakeholders for accountability
-To stock-take on the on-going UNFCC/COP process on climate change adaptation strategies and loss and damage initiatives as well as their synthesis at various levels with emblematic case studies
-To explore appropriate avenues in seeking redress to gain justice on the foundation of human rights safeguards regarding various legal measures as enshrined in the international treaties, instruments, conventions and other arrangements, constitution, laws and policies
Climate Justice, Loss and Damage, Civil Society Organizations, Legal instruments, vulnerability